• Confecciones Este S.L.
  • este@confeccioneseste.com
C/ Juan Ramón Jiménez, S/N

Pentasa 3 - Nave 18 09007 Burgos (España)

+(34) 947 48 36 11
Fax: 947 48 51 83

Troll Free Number

Quality Policy - Confecciones Este

At CONFECCIONES ESTE we are conscious that our business activity in the production and

sale of workwear is in a highly competitive sector which demands diferentiating factors such as:

  • garment quality and the performance of the stipulated protective requirements
  • professionalism and customer service

These are strategic factors which we consider to be our greatest strengths and underpin

our competitiveness which are the cornerstones for the continuity and future of our company.

To this end our quality policy is based around the following ten maxims:

  1. The client is the reason for our work and the best indicator of the quality we produce. From this comes our commitment to fully meet their requirements.
  2. To strive for continuous improvement, learning from mistakes, uncovering the causes for them and to avoid repeating them.
  3. To comply with all legal obligations, regulations and standards applicable and also with the requirements of those interested parties to our activity.
  4. To commit our suppliers and sub-contractors to our quality policy and involve them in our process of continuous improvement.
  5. To have capable employees properly trained to be able to perform to the best of their ability.
  6. To be fully committed to the prevention of injury and illness of our collaborators.
  7. To equip ourselves with the necessary resources and modern production facilities which are safe and efficient.
  8. To commit to the protection of the environment and the prevention of contamination.
  9. To ensure all of our employees take responsability in the implementation of our quality policy and environmental protection.
  10. To promote between everyone the spirit of continuous improvement in the running of Confecciones Este.

At CONFECCIONES ESTE we are all conscious of and support these values with enthusiasm and it is the management who are the driving force behind this culture of quality.

January 2018